Archive for 22/11/2017

What Will It Take ……….



What will it take for the people of the UK to wake the hell up? There is hell of a difference in a british stiff upper lip to standing idly by, and getting shafted right up the rear end. The Government openly shows it contempt for the people time and time again and all you do is shrug your shoulders and walk on by those less fortunate, and blame them for the countries ills. Today Budget is for the wealthy yet again while most of the population is crawling on its knees to survive. Angry doesn’t come close and you should be angry too.

Without workers ,nurses and doctors,teachers,emergency services and many other professions this country would not be able to operate, the machinery would stop, yet you all seem content with having your faces rubbed into the mud, or your palms crossed with silver  while the wealthy fleece you and take the clothes off your back and food out your child’s mouth or for some bizarre reason think you are part of a class you are not. You work, your Working Class! 

Globally we are a laughing stock  and productivity is low while this shower of traitorous fools laugh in your faces while asset stripping our country. You want to take your country back well get off your high horses and do something about it, stop ignoring the reality. We are not a poor country and these ideological policies are designed to make the poorest pay for a crisis they created by their constant mismanagement  for decades and the constant crises would have removed any other Government from power forthwith, so who is pulling the strings besides the obvious global barons and media corps?

Now they want to invest in technologies that make you redundant and driverless cars, while not investing in solar power  and address the climate changes that are killing us all, including the animals we share it with.

We have families surviving on food banks , diseases long gone returning,malnutrition a potential public health timebomb building,rising numbers of homeless people on our streets , disabled people denied their rights and a basic income, our elderly freezing to death or being cruelly beaten in care homes  and suicide rates escalating around the globe and worst of all a total disregard for human life unless you are productive  and this is progress .What fucking planet are you on?


This social engineering project needs to stop!  It is time to remove this Government from power before it is too late for the many,not the few.